In the continuing quest to shirk their jobs, and interact with candidates even LESS than they do now, Human Resources is turning to AI to do their job so they can do… what is it HR does these days?
algorithms may also lower wages in these fields, said Bo Cowgill, an economist at Columbia University who has studied the use of artificial intelligence in hiring.
“You get the more nontraditional, equally qualified, equally high-performing people,” Mr. Cowgill said. But the employer “doesn’t seem to have to compete for them as much.”
For years, employers and online intermediaries have used algorithms to help fill job openings, but their methods were often crude.
As previous entries to this blog have shown, crude doesn’t begin to describe the issues with the algos used by HR to avoid having to look at any resumes. The article, despite all the gushing praise almost comes to it’s senses at the end though:
All of this presumes, however, that deep-learning technology is viable for use in recruiting and human resources and could eventually become commonplace.