
Follow up on "Older Workers"

This is a follow up to the previous post.

The blog post was still warm when this was brought to my attention:


The job description itself by implication excludes older workers as most college graduates are in their twenties. What if I’m an older worker that’s changing careers? What if I like sales?

There is a not-so subtle implication that only young people should apply for this position, many people will see this and feel that “I’m not just out of college, I probably shouldn’t even apply”.

Based on the implied bias in this posting, how many talented people are they alienating?

"Catbert level sadism 101"

From an anonymous submission, I would say that an email like this says:

  1. We don’t care about you

  2. We don’t care about the hiring process

  3. We don’t care about the company we work for.


You are receiving this email because you have applied to [REDACTED COMPANY] 
in the last 3 months. We have recently made a switch in our applicant tracking 
system and this has caused us to lose some of our candidates in the process. 
If you are interested in continuing to engage with us and our opportunities, 
please go to our new careers site at https:/[REDACTED] and fill out either a 
generic application to get into our system or search for a role that fits your 
qualifications and apply that way.

We appreciate your time and past interest and we are hoping to continue to 
engage with you!


Sr Mgr Talent Advisors

This is even sadder when you consider that the company is one of the big cloud e-commerce providers. Would you host your data with a company that can’t even keep track of it’s own data?

The tone-deafness for them to say is “we respect your time” is incredible. No. No you don’t. ATS systems are some of the most infuriating things a user can deal with, and the failure of them to work properly ensures that any serious candidate spends a significant amount of time fighting with the system to make sure their details are fully entered.

As a candidate, what would you assume seeing this?

This is a lengthy post, but it is necessary to experience it from the candidates point of view.  More commentary after the candidates experience:




In this example, the technology gets in the way of the hiring process.  Did the recruiter miss the appointment because of the ugly format?  What is your opinion of this company just based upon this exchange?

As a candidate, what would you assume seeing this? 

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