No HR!

...what kind of Human Resources organization do we have to ensure this shared awareness of and commitment to the common purpose? None.


Most of us have observed the damage caused by addictive HR organizations. In the beginning, they relieve stress. Soon, they insinuate themselves into every aspect of corporate life and withdrawal pain becomes impossible to bear. Not unlike some welfare programs, HR becomes an end unto itself, a means of existence for a group of individuals whose sustenance depends upon their clients' problems. Decisions are laden with their intervention. Straight-forward processes are gummed up with their arbitration.


In a way, HR is a protection racket. A process must be put in place, a study must be made, a task force must be set up; thus management is protected and absolved of political responsibility, and HR gains power.


One of the benefits we offer at Be is that there's no HR and there won't be any. Personnel, yes. Forms, benefits, insurance, 401k -- these are all healthy and regular paperwork movements. If we ever need HR work, we'll bring consultants to help. And then they'll leave. Just as we want our employees to own their work, so do we want an unobfuscated (and minimal) management to be fully responsible for its actions.

Jean-Louis Gasse, "Working at Be", Be Newsletter, Issue 25, May 29, 1996

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