This is an ongoing series that documents the epic failures of “Intelligent Agents” “Machine Learning” and “Artificial Intelligence”
We have Twenty-Four years of online job boards. appeared in 1994 along with OCC, CareerMosaic and
In 24 years, we have yet to have a system that can, with any regularity:
Parse resumes properly.
Match candidates to open positions properly.
Recommend jobs that match a candidates desired position.
Recommend jobs that match a candidates skills.
Data-mine existing resumes for candidates.
Here’s an example from a premium job search board that requires a paid account to apply for positions. As a customer, one might expect better results from a paid service, one might as well wish for a unicorn for your Birthday. For this saved search, looking for a CISO position, the first recommended result is for desktop patching, they don’t get any more relevant the further down the recommendation list you go.